Here is a sample of the kinds of questions asked :Examples of questions of tests 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8
(21.5 X 27.7 cm (8 1/2 X 11 inches format), ring binding combs, 36 pages)
for tests 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 (...)These tests have no time limit. Each one is made up of a certain number of questions; in each case and from the two provided answers, you have to choose the one that describes you the most accurately.
All answers are good.
Indicate each one of your CHOICES on the answer sheet by writing the appropriate number in the corresponding square box.
Here are two examples.
© Copyright 1976-2003, I.R.PA. inc., REPRODUCTION INTERDITE. Tous droits réservés.
For each question of the following test, you have to evaluate to what extent you are influenced by a given point of view in a particular situation (for example, your friends' advice).
In each case, you have to choose between the following two:
- 1) A lot
- 2) Very little
Here is an example.
© Copyright 1976-2003, I.R.PA. inc., REPRODUCTION INTERDITE. Tous droits réservés.
for test 7
The following test comprises five situations (I, II, III, IV, V) with four statements each (1, 2, 3, 4). Each statement presents a particular way of dealing with a situation and reaching a solution.On the basis of what you would do in each situation, you have to determine your first choice and your second choice among each set of four statements. Your first choice is your preferred way of reaching a solution while your second choice is your next preferred way to do so.
On the answer sheet for each situation, you write down your first choice in the square box below the letter A and your second choice in the square box below the letter B.
To make up your mind, read all four statements (1, 2, 3, 4) relating to a situation, compare them, and then determine your first and second choice on the basis of what you would do in each situation.
Here is an example:
Situation No. X
- If you have to determine whether someone is competent for some work or not, what will you mostly attach importance to in your assessment?
In short, read through everything concerning a given situation before making your two choices.
© Copyright 1976-2003, I.R.PA. inc., REPRODUCTION INTERDITE. Tous droits réservés.
To get in touch with us...The simple fact of responding to a questionnaire whose purpose is to get the learning profile of a pupil, a student, an adult, put this one on the road to get a better understanding of his/her own way of learning, communicating and creating. From there, it is possible to go through the analysis and interpretation step of his/her learning profile to identify its implications in the different situation of learning, communicating and creating in which he/she is involved in on a daily basis and his/her life long.
For further details, don't hesitate to contact us!
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: 26-07-2012
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